for updation's sake.
i feel that there is nothing of great significance to post about, my life is becoming a little more mundane, which is suppose is expected.
i've been in costa rica for 6 weeks today. been at the school for 3 weeks. i've begun to teach a little--i've taken over a sixth grade class and tomorrow i get full control of a 10th as well. soon to come: 7th and 11th. good stuff. i like the kids. it's a good school. i've added a lot more information about the school (and my life) in my e-mails. if you're reading this and would like the e-mails, let me know.
as i have already pointed out to shauna--i've realized that a lot of the women here have a very poor awareness of their undergarments. like...they always wear really see-through shirts with bright white bras. or really tight shirts with really bumpy/decorated bras. always.
i'm getting excited about having a few friends come visit. i miss good friends.
i went to a big soccer rivalry game here. i plan on posting pictures here soon.
ok...that is all...i'm still alive. life is good.
pura vida.