7 am and dirty dogs.
i guess working at the SFA post office has done me in forever. i can't seem to sleep past 7 am anymore. at all. so, every morning since i've been home (this is my 5th), i wake up. and this morning, it was special. this morning i woke up to this:

attempting to burrow inside of my covers (while stepping on my bible). and, if that weren't enough, this lovely animal:
laying on top of my legs. awesome. so, after several failed attempts to get them off of me, i gave up, and fell back asleep with my 2 canine companions for another 3 hours. and then woke up with them in the exact same positions.
at this point, i made an omelet, discovered there was no coke left in the house, and found a spot on the couch where more burrowing and leg-laying ensued. and this is how my time at home is spent.