Monday, February 13, 2006

dun dun dun

so i just realized that the header on my last post says "i should start carry cash". brilliant.

around late november 2005 i recieved one of the best free articles of clothing that one can recieve...the green pine cove hoody. it has quickly been made into a staple item in my wardrobe. like a comfort makes my days better, my nights warmer.
this weekend, the unthinkable was thought, the undoable was done, the unlivable was lived, the unhappinable...happened. what could be so tragic, you ask? i, katy reed, left the hoody. i left the hoody at pine cove. pine cove doesn't need the pine cove hoody. katy reed needs the pine cove hoody.
so now i'm sure you're's ok, she goes back there every weekend. well, friends...ask me the next time i'm going to be there. wait...i'll just tell you.
what the heck. something must be done. i'm gonna have to make a few phone calls. goodness.
so if you see me in the next few days and i look (or am) naked, now you know why.


Blogger shauna said...

that probably wasn't the best thing to leave. I mean, even if you left your toothbrush you could buy a new one. This hoodie has become an intrical part of your wardrobe. What will you ever do???

2/13/2006 3:44 PM  

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