Monday, March 31, 2008

anywhere but LA, Jesus.

so...small realization.

there are really 2 places in my mind that i would just NOT want to live. places in which i would NEVER just pack up and decide to set up a residence. and those places are both LA's: Los Angeles and Louisiana.

i don't know why. I have a lot of friends from Louisiana and i like them just fine. they are actually really great people. and, it's only an hour from where i live now. probably not a big difference. just could never get excited about that.

and LA...oh dear. i think i might just be extremely opposite of that city. i'm sure there's great stuff there as well., no thanks.

please Lord, do not call me to LA.


Blogger Becky Rabb said...

your last post made me laugh! hope you didnt feel abandonded today!!! haha

no LA, huh? maybe I will just go there for you :). I am all for missions in ANY big city! i think its cool though to see that all of us are different and have been made certain ways. i would love to go to LA, but maybe not so much to costa rica. you on the other hand? pretty sure you are down with that. to me this exemplifies the importance of the body of Christ. cool stuff.

4/01/2008 12:38 AM  

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