Saturday, February 03, 2007

i'll play.

by request of ched...

Here is how you partake in a round of Literary Lucky-Dipping:

1) Skillfully grab the book closest to you

2) Quickly open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence

3) Post the text of the following three sentences

4) Name the author and book title

5) Tag an indefinite number of people to do the same (so, it could be '0')

But the Macedonianas who head the speech were thoroughly astonished at the moment, and remained there in silence near the platform; nor when he retired did any of them accompany the king, except his personal Companions and the confidential body-guards. Though they remianed most of them had nothing to do or say; and yet they were unwilling to retire. But when the news was reported to them...they were no longer able to restrain themselves; but running in a body to the palace, they cast their weapons there in front of the gates as signs of supplication to the king.

well, this is found in A History of Western Society by McKay/Hill/Butler but i think it's actually an excerpt from The Greek Historians by Goldophin. i think.

well, ched i think yours may have been a little more exciting...although i am a little curious about the rest of this story.


Blogger Becky Rabb said...

your history book sounds way more exciting then my history book.

2/03/2007 7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ched i think yours may have been a little more exciting

Rubbish. What could be more exciting than Macedonian military history!

a little curious about the rest of this story.

It's worth the read.

2/04/2007 7:59 AM  
Blogger Erinne said...

you're dog is uglier.

i'm not just a 100% sure that's a word.

but it is now.

so. yeah.

2/05/2007 8:57 AM  

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